Fishing the world famous Niagara Region of Lakes Erie, Ontario, and the Niagara River offers the fisherman a chance to tackle some of the biggest and strongest fish North America has to offer. Nowhere else can the diversity, size, and numbers of freshwater game fish be found. “Big waters produce big fish” and each year our Captains send home satisfied customers with great memories. Why not let us treat you to the fishing experience of a lifetime?
Captain Frank Campbell is one of the most popular guides in western New York. Captain Frank fishes the waters of Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and the upper and lower Niagara River. Target species include Trophy Smallmouth Bass, Muskellunge, Walleye, King Salmon, Coho Salmon, Brown Trout, Lake Trout, and Steelhead. This is a world class fishery that has something to offer anglers all year.